Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Seven Wonders with Neos Creations

Who you are: Ginger Moore – wife, mother & business founder/owner/creative director
Your business name: Neos Creations™
Your website url: http://www.neoscreations.net
Blog: http://neoscreations.wordpress.com/
Twitter handle: @NeosCreations
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Neos-Creations/180473828641054 (sorry for the long url. FB assigned my personalized username to my personal profile and I can’t seem to change it to my biz page.)

We're wondering...

1) What was the first product you ever sold?
Oh that seems so long ago, I’m not sure if I can remember without looking at our records. I know it was a customized gift set order from a friend for his wife for Mother’s Day. I’m pretty sure it contained the Day-Night Moisturizer and the Under Eye Serum from our Mineral Skin Care Collection, a couple of Home Aroma Collection items. Maybe a lotion, body wash and a bath tool accessory or two.

2) What is your favorite smell?
Oh my gosh, I love the smell of my husband when he’s fresh from the shower or my son, fresh from the bath. I know. Not something I can really duplicate or market, now can I? LOL. Another is all the comforting and mouth-watering smells of Thanksgiving dinner cooking. Again, can’t duplicate that one for a product. Or can I?! When it comes to my favorite scents in products, I don’t really have one. I like so many different ones and personally, I wear whatever the mood strikes me to wear from one day to the next. Some days, I may be fun and breezy, others I may be sexy and sultry. Another day may be sweet and innocent. You just never can tell about me or what I will be on any given day until you sniff me.

3) What is your favorite line from a song?
I don’t really have one. Many songs came to mind but no one song line that I could say was “My favorite”. It could be because I don’t listen to music much in recent years or it could be because what little I do hear is usually children’s songs from Nick Jr., Noggin, Disney or another kid friendly source that is then relayed to me by my son. Either way, I’m at a loss on this question.

4) If you were something in nature, what would you NOT want to be?
There are a few. #1- A skunk. #2 – Poison oak, poison ivy, etc. #3 – Anything with a stinger. Why? Because people would avoid me at all costs. I love people and conversation too much and would be miserable.

5) What's your favorite pet's name? (Past or present)
Max, a miniature Daschund, black and tan in color. My husband surprised me with him one day a few years into our marriage, when we had been trying to have a baby for a couple of years with no success. Max quickly became a fill-in to satisfy some of that deep yearning I had for a baby. Unfortunately, we had to have him put to sleep just a few years later. Because of the long back of weenie dogs, they often have vertebrae and disk problems. Max had chronic problems with a disk that would bulge and get irritated. It finally ruptured, causing him to be paralyzed from his mid-back all the way to his tail. We just couldn’t justify the thousands of dollars for the operation that could not even be guaranteed successful that he would be well again or pain free. Failure would result in him being confined to a doggie wheel cart strapped to him at all times, so we had to make the difficult decision to have him put to sleep. I loved him too much to see him suffer and not be able to jump and play like he always had. Oh! Sorry, that was TMI wasn’t it?

6) What's the best pair of shoes you ever owned?
Oh gosh, I don’t know. I don’t spend a lot on shoes for myself. If I like them and they’re comfortable to me, I buy them if they aren’t too expensive in my opinion (and I’m Ms. Squeaky Wallet). If you’re talking literally, I’d probably have to say a pair of tennis shoes, no specific brand. Those are the only shoes I don’t bargain shop for as much. If you’re talking figuratively, the shoes I wear everyday as a wife to the greatest man God ever created, mother to an amazing little boy, and business owner of a growing business.

7) Seven words that are dear to you:
I gave this one much thought. Words are potentially tangible ideas and often take flight to give them great meaning. I’d have to say – Love, Family, Integrity, Faith, Peace, Patience, Joy and I’d like to add a couple more – Flexibility and Rest


  1. Susan, thank you for featuring me in this very special blog. It was alot of fun to answer these less the usual questions. In reading it here, I dare say I seem a bit boring...but that is me. Just a simple Tennessee mountain mama who loves her family, loves people and creates bath & body care for others to be pampered with (ssshhhh, this is a secret so don't tell anyone!) Making my products for people to enjoy is my way of loving on them from a distance. Again, thanks for the lovely article so people can get a glimpse of me outside of the promos. Hugs & Kisses.

  2. What a super feature on Ginger! Too bad that freshly showered husband smell can't be duplicated, huh? We could all be rich! Love your seven favorite words too, Ginger -- the fruit of the spirit never get old! Best to Neos!
